Sunday, December 14, 2014

DIY Edward Scissorhands -costume

We had an Oscar Gala -themed Christmas party at work, and there was a preferred dress code. Apparently not everyone had read the invitation, since they didn't realize they could dress up as a movie character and not only in evening gowns. A lot of people hadn't worn anything special but some had really cool outfits!

It took me a really long time to decide who I'd want to go as, since the "genre" was so broad. I thought about using my Ursula-costume from Halloween but switching to the more authentic silvery white hair and purple makeup, if I couldn't come up with another costume. I also thought about another Halloween costume idea that I've yet to do: a starlet from an old black and white silent movie from the '20s, but that would require a lot of gray body paint and a small blackboard for text.

From the start I had decided to go as a character instead of an actor or a guest, since I like to dress up in costumes. Mom suggested I go as one of Helena Bonham-Carter's characters, but I was leaning more towards a male character just for the heck of it. When Tinde suggested I do Edward Scissorhands, after I had already played with the thought, I finally decided to go for it. Especially when I was told I wouldn't be able to pull it off with such a limited time and budget!

Painting them buckles with some bling! Unfortunately I accidentally left the opened bottle like that overnight and lost about half of what was left and the rest got all clumpy. Sadface, it was a really nice silver polish and they no longer make it! :'(

I got buckles (1,50 €) and some wide elastic (1,70 €) from a flea market, used some silver nailpolish to paint them (had ran out of silver spray paint) and built the costume around a pair of black college pants and a black turtleneck shirt (7,99 €) with a pair of black studded shoes. The studs I had from earlier (also second-hand, two huge bags of them) so decided to slap a bunch of them on the elastic as well. I didn't really follow the original costume that much, I decided to put a lot more effort in my scissorhands and makeup.

Making the gloves for the hands - remember to check which way your fabric stretches, cause I sure didn't! ;P Saves you time if you don't need to redo this step...

I couldn't find cheap gloves so I made them too from some black tricot fabric. I just traced my hand, (forgot to check which way the fabric stretches, had to redo it!) and then taped (5,99 €) a bunch of cardboard-duct tape "scissors" on to them. I had originally made the scissor bits rounded from the other end, but had to cut them straight since they proved difficult to tape. They turned out pretty cool, even though I used the very last evening in making them!

My lovely left scissorhand.
It was impossible to bend my fingers because of the cardboard and all that tape!

The finished costume! I'm pretty proud of myself, I liked the way it turned out. I managed to cut my hands a lot during the process of making the costume, which I found ironically hilarious. I opted to go as the genderbent  version of "Edward", seeing as I didn't even want to try to bind down my boobs. ;)

Derpy pose, but at least you can see the whole thing.
A dark, lonely soul
I didn't have a chance to try out the makeup beforehand, but I had watched through a couple of tutorials (there's a bunch of them out there!). I brought a ton of makeup with me to be able to pull this off, and used a Sleek makeup foundation that was a couple shades too light with Grimas translucent powder for the base. I then used Grimas scar wax (bought it a couple years back for a Halloween costume) to make very quick and basic scars that I lined with a brown and purple eyeshadow to make them pop. Then I used a dark purple, brown and black eyeshadows for my eyes (I didn't hide my natural eyebrows, since they are very light anyways) and some purple to draw out my cheekbones. Lips are done with just lipbalm and the purple eyeshadow. I really hope the makeup wasn't as lopsided as it looks in these pictures though...

I ended up winning the best female(?) costume! I was super stoked about this, though a lot of my coworkers told me they voted for me. This year's prize was a golden "Oscar" statue and a box of chocolate truffels. I actually won last year's competition too with my quick (rein)deer -look, so now I'm really psyched to keep this going! :P

This is what a winner looks like, bitches!


Bonus pic: the stupid powder box thought it would be hilarious if it totally exploded in my purse. It really fucking wasn't.
Argh! I really hated cleaning this up and the bag still looks horrible. 

TL;DR: Made an Edward (Edwina cuz of boobs!) Scissorhands costume using only about 16,20 €. (I only bought the shirt, the buckles, the black tape and the black wide elastic, all other stuff I had already). Was told I couldn't do it but proved them wrong and won 1st prize, suckas! ♥

Friday, December 5, 2014


I'm finally getting my computer back today! \o/ Two thumbs up everything actually works properly... :P

Meanwhile, I've set myself a makeup challenge for December, pics available on my Instagram! Since I'm a hoarder of all sorts of things, especially cosmetics, I set a challenge to actually put on makeup every day this month. I tend to be really lazy in the mornings and much rather spent the "extra" minutes playing HayDay rather than paying attention to my face... Which leads me to have all these pretty lipsticks and rad eyeshadows that I never use. I even hoarded more makeup from Sugarpill, Lunatic Cosmetics Lab and Makeup Academy during their Black Friday / Cyber Monday sales, so all the more reason to start using stuff!

I get to spend another weekend with Mr. J, so even though work is hectic, I'm feeling pretty good today! Have a great weekend everyone! ^_^


Thursday, November 27, 2014

Rogue giveaway!

(Just a quick update at work on my lunchbreak, my computer is still with Mr. J in Helsinki, hopefully getting fixed...)

My fantabulous friend Tiina aka the incredibly talented Rogue is having a giveaway to celebrate her 1st year! ♥ You can participate in the giveaway by following her blog, Facebook page and sharing the post in either or both.
And here's what's up for grabs!
Go follow her and good luck in the giveaway! ^_^

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Halloween, part II: Halloweener

We had another Halloween party hosted by Tiina, Tinde and myself on the 31st. I dressed up in the morning so I could scare my coworkers - successfully too. I didn't have a specific costume, so I ended up throwing on a wig, messy makeup, fake blood and a long poofy skirt. The horns were an impulse thing I did in the morning.

Managed to scare a couple of coworkers with this getup, tee hee hee ;)

I rushed off to Tiina's place straight from work to help her with the decorations and got some last minute shopping done when Mr. J got there.

The paper garlands were from Tiger, we also had a bat-one. And lots of spiderweb!
More spiderwebs! And the tiny mareng ghosts had taken over everything *spoopy*

We had all sorts of lovely snacks and delicious chocolate cake, courtesy of Tinde. The tiny mareng ghosts were an absolute delight! ♥

...until I killed one...
(How do you kill a ghost?)
The cake was AWESOME! Every chocoholic's dream ♥
Iinamon's second boyfriend Bob looking over the table featuring Graveyard dirt, Mummy wieners, Dragon scales, Ghostcakes, Alligator skinflakes, Deadly Nightshade, Snake venom, Brain chunks, the dips Black Bat sneeze and Alien Sneeze are missing from the picture.
Outfit selfie ;P

Tuesday, November 18, 2014


New modem didn't fix my connection issues, so I'll have to wait until Friday for Mr. J to see what the fuck is wrong with the settings on my computer. I can't solve the issue on my own and it's driving me off the wall! >.<

Friday, November 14, 2014

Another forced break

I'm really bummed out right now, since I was planning to do another Halloween post but can't. I switched to a new Internet provider last week and my new plan was supposed to start on Monday. Well, it doesn't work and the old plan has been ended, so I haven't had a stable internet access at home since Monday. I've tried to troubleshoot the whole thing with Mr. J, with the service rep and by myself, but I can't figure out why it doesn't work. It just doesn't work and it's driving me crazy!

The internet provider promised on Monday to send me a new modem to try in case the issue is with the one I received, but they only shipped it out yesterday. I'm glad I'm heading to Seinäjoki to see my parents for the weekend, I think I'd go crazy at home without internet... It's stupid how addicted I am! Luckily I have my mobile & tablet that have their own online systems, so I can still chat with friends and use Instagram. :P


Sunday, November 2, 2014

Halloween, part I: Bella Morte & Underworld ~ Release the Bats III

Oops, another month has passed again. I admit that blogging hasn't really been on my mind lately. I did however attend a nice Halloween party and actually made a costume for it, so lets look at that, shall we? :)

The final costume:

Cthulhu is my homeboy!
It was pretty much impossible to find the right shade of purple fabric, but I eventually chose a satin one. The colour looks very different in different lighting, and all the in progress pics are taken with my phone. I ended up using 1½ metres of purple satin and 1½ metres of black satin, 2 bags of foam filling + some remainders of an old pillow and about 12 metres of metal wire. I actually ended up shaving my eyebrows too in the middle of putting on my makeup, so now I'm sporting the cancer-alien look for a couple of weeks... :P

Not a whole lot to choose from.
In the process, most of the tentacles already sewn together and filled with foam
Hair all poofed up! I actually still had my eyebrows at this point, but this is how blonde I naturally am - you can hardly even spot them!
I actually would have loved to find some white/silver spray-on hair colour, but all I found was black and orange. Boo!
Mirror selfie of the outfit - can you tell who I'm supposed to be?
The only closeups I had of the makeup were taken with my phone, so really crappy quality!
Bummed that I ran out of time and forgot to take a purple eyeshadow to do some contouring. :(
Poor unfortunately soul!
Gothic Ursula! ^_^ I've always loved the Little Mermaid (the original story more than the Disney version) and these days my black heart beats for the bad guys & gals ♥

If I'd had more time, I would've added suction cups to the tentacles - if I could figure out a way to do it that wouldn't drive me up the wall, that is. I would've also done the shell necklace and earrings and would've gotten my hair a more suitable colour. I didn't want to get a wig for this, even though trying to get my hair back to normal was absolutely horrible! I also took the easy way out and just bought a lace blouse with a suitable sweetheart neckline, even though it's not fully visible here. I wore a second-hand fishtail skirt under the tentacles, which I sewed as a belt.

Tiina's new pal Bob tried to get a little frisky with yours truly. ;P
Overall I'm really happy with the way the whole costume came out, considering I only spent like three days putting it together. :) The makeup could've been better, especially with the contouring, but I got a lot of compliments and was happy with it myself, so yay! ♥

The party was nice, lots of people had dressed up and really put a lot of effort in their costumes! I didn't actually take any pictures at the party, but you can find some here (only for FB-users, sorry!).

Now I need to go get some rest, so I can try to be productive at work tomorrow. Only 363 more days till Halloween! o/


Monday, September 22, 2014

More items made by Tiina from Rogue

Kipeänä ollessani tulin myös kuvailleeksi Tiinan minulle tekemiä enemmän ja vähemmän uusia asusteita. Kaulakorussa on Rogue by Tiina Ulkuniemi logo ja korviksia koristaa kärpäset. Pyysin kustomoidut lukot korviksiin, koska nuo tavallisimmat koukut pääsevät aina tipahtamaan omista korvistani pois.

Necklace and earrings Rogue by Tiina Ulkuniemi. Earrings have customized hoops since the usual ones always pop out of my ears!
I accidentally ran over the chain on my chair after dropping the necklace on the floor, hence the random silver bit on the right... -___-
Tuonne TAFFiinhan Tiina väkerteli silloin erilaisia hatukkeita myyntiin, joten teetätin myös itselleni yhden. Ankh, lepakko, miniruusut ja ketjunpätkä löytyivät omista varastoistani, muu on itse Tiinan käsialaa.

The loveliest little fascinator! ♥ The ankh, bat, silver chain and the smallest roses were from my own stash, otherwise it's all Tiina's handiwork. :)
Uusin Tiinan käsialaa oleva vaatekappaleeni on syksyiseen säähän hyvin soveltuva kevyt hupullinen neule. Kankaan olin ostanut alkuvuoden Tallinnan reissulla ja se olikin sattumalta samaa, kuin mistä Tiina oli jo yhden paidan väkerrellyt. Omaani tuli lisäksi huppu. Kuvissa meikitön flunssanassu sekä uusi Black Milk Clothingin pöllöhame. ♥

Herpderp I liek blue owls ♥ feat. leg tattoo
Derpface, derphair and my pink camera peeking on the background. Finally found my gorillapod! \o/
Mirrorselfies are cool, right? -Not! ;P I ♥ my owlskirt, even though it rides up high on the waist when I move

TL;DR: Was sick, took pictures. Jewellery & fascinator & hooded blouse made by Tiina, owl skirt is by Black Milk Clothing, Australia.

Thursday, September 18, 2014

DIY projects, being sick and why Blogger sucks hairy balls

Foreword: Blogger is being an absolute bitch to me, since I've been working on this one and only post ever since Monday. I had written and saved text on Monday and just needed to add photos. Well, when I went looking for the post I had written - poof, all gone and nowhere to be found. I then checked on it on Tuesday from my work computer - and there it was, just like I'd written it! Saved again so I could finish it at home - not there. -__- Found it again on work computer yesterday, still waiting for pictures, looked like it had been saved normally so I closed the page. Well, I checked it last night at home and it was blank. Nowhere to be found anymore today, only the same blank draft. Super annoyed! -__-#

My new nerd station! \o/ Laptop broke, so I spent most of my overtime money on getting a tabletop and a monitor. :P
Since I'm addicted to makeup (but don't use it nearly as much as I really should), my favourites are always waiting for me to pick them up. ;) And yes, I still need to rearrange the desk...
Feat. Mr. J's phone and whisky glass.

Lets see if I can remember what I actually wrote about...

Olin sairauslomalla suurimman osan viime viikosta ilkeän pitkittyneen flunssan johdosta. Katselin pääasiassa huonoja komediasarjoja vilttiin kääriytyneenä, mutta aika pian se alkoi kyllästyttää. Koska en kauheasti mitään jaksanut kuitenkaan tehdä, päädyin sitten askartelemaan (-paskartelemaan!). Olen ostanut Fimo-massaa muutamassa eri sävyssä jo ajat sitten, joten päätin ensin värkätä niistä jotain. Noh, en ole kovinkaan hyvä tässä hommassa, joten toistaiseksi olen saanut aikaiseksi vain tämän liian suureksi paisuneen ja epämuodostuneen lepakon täysin ilman yksityiskohtia, sekä Jack Skellington -kasvot, joista ajattelin tehdä hiusklipsut. Inspiraationa kalloille toimi siskoni joskus askartelemat kankaiset samanlaiset naamapallurat. Tuo musta Fimo muuten tarttuu sormiin aika lujaa!

I was on sickleave most of last week because of a flu that just won't leave me alone. I mostly slept and watched bad comedy shows, but got tired of it quite quickly. Since I didn't have a lot of energy, I ended up doing small craft projects. I'd bought the Fimo quite a while ago, so I decided use it all up. Well, I'm not very good at it and so far have only managed to make this (too) large and deformed bat (with no details too!) and two Jack Skellington -faces, that I'll be turning into hairclips. The inspiration for these was a couple of fabric skullballs my sister had once made. The black Fimo really sticks to your fingers!

The deformed bat got slightly bigger than I had planned, I still need more practice (or a really good bat mold!).
Skellington faces are gonna be hairclips. These are still waiting to be baked, I can't be bothered to heat the oven for just these tiny fellows.

Kyllästyttyäni vahalla pelleilyyn muistin tilanneeni kulutetun hopeansävyisiä lepakkomotiiveja. En enää ole varma mihin projektiin nämä alunperin tulin hankkineeksi (ai miten niin hamsteri?!), mutta innostuin kuitenkin heti leikkimään näiden kanssa. Ensimmäisenä yhdistelin lepakkokaverin hopeanväriseen ketjuun ja väsäilin näin tuommoisen hiuskoristeen. En tiedä onko näille joku oikea termi? Oma tukkani oli sen verran likainen, enkä muutenkaan ollut kovin edustava, joten poseeraamaan pääsi herra Kallonen. Silmäkuopissaan Kallonen kantaa keräämiäni (edelleen, hamsteri...) erikoisia kahden euron kolikoita. Lepakko tulee siis lepäämään otsalle ja ketju kulkee pään yli takaraivolle, jossa yhdistyy ohimoilta kulkevaan ketjuun. Tätä täytyy ehkä vielä vähän säätää, en ole varma mitkä mittasuhteen olisivat parhaimmat kyseiseen kapistukseen.

After I got tired of playing with the Fimo I remembered I had these nice antique silver bat charms. I can't remember why I originally got them (other than they're super adorable?), but I got instantly inspired. First I added a bat charm to some old silver chain I had and made this headpiece. Is there a correct term for this? My own hair was dirty and I didn't exactly look presentaby, so Mr. Skully got to pose for this one. In the eye sockets I have stored cool/interesting 2-euro coins (I might be a hoarder)- The bat sits on your forehead and the chain goes over your head and connects to another one going over the temples. I may need to adjust the chains a little bit more, since I'm not sure what measurements would be best for this one.

Mr. Skully and the bat-head-thingy feat. interesting 2-euro coins :P

Toisena projektina päätin yhdistellä lepakoita pehmoiseen softikseen, jota kätköistäni löytyi tällä hetkellä kolmessä eri värissä. Valkoiselta pohjalta hopeiset lepakot eivät näyttäneet erottuvan kovinkaan hyvin, joten kokeilin ensimmäisenä glitterpinkkiä. Näistä tuli varsin somat, joten tein myös yhdet mustat versiot, joihin lisäsin pätkän hopeista ketjua. Koska tiedän Ravenoariksen olevan myös lepakkohullu, päätin inspiraation puuskassa tehdä vielä yhdet hänelle, näihin tuli myös ketjua kaveriksi. Täytyisi löytää violettia tuommoista glitterfoamia vielä jostain, nämä pinkit eivät oikein mene yks-yhteen tällä hetkellä sinimustaksi muuttuneen vaatekaappini sisällön kanssa... ;P

For the second bat project I thought to combine the bats with soft foam that I had in three different colours. The bats didn't stand out from a white base very well, so I tried them with glittery pink foam first. These turned out really cute, so I made another pair in black as well and added a piece of the silver chain. Since I know Ravenoaris is also a crazy batlady, I decided to make a pair for her as well! I need to find more colours eg. purple glitter foam, since the pink ones don't really match my black and blue wardrobe... ;)

Glitter bats! Ooh and these are hairclips, btw. Everything is hair clips!
Tools, supplies and finished items. Yay! I don't know what I'm doing with the handcuffs yet, I just happened to have a tiny bag full of them and thought I'd see if I can put them to use.  :)
Ja koska ihana synkiöiden lempparijuhla Halloween on lähestymässä, tulin hankkineeksi myös creepyjä silmiä askartelua varten. Oikeasti nämä ovat ihan nuken silmiksi tarkoitettuja, mutta ajattelin värkätä myös näistä jotain tukkahärpäkettä. :)

And since every ghoul's favourite holiday Halloween is approaching, I got some creepy eyes for crafts. In reality these are meant to be doll eyes, but I thought I'd make something else out of them.

Fistfull of dollars eyeballs
Hopefully blogger will play along from now on, since I already have pics ready for another post! 


TL;DR: Blogger is a bitch and loses text despite saving. Was sick at home and got crafty (pics, stuff used bought mainly from ebay). Waiting for Halloween, yay.

Monday, September 8, 2014

Some days are better than others

I had a little bit of a meltdown this weekend related to depression. Photo and text about it can be found on my Instagram. Basically: I haven't been taking my medication or care of myself in daily routines such as brushing my teeth or keeping my kitchen/fridge clean. I can't give you a reason as to why I'm doing this to myself, I just feel really tired and that it doesn't matter what I do. Yes, things are good: I have a secure job for the next year, I have an absolutely amazing boyfriend, I just got a new computer + screen, I bought nice new clothes, I've been seeing my friends, I've visited my parents... But that's what depression is, it's this monster on your back that makes you constantly doubt your selfworth and creeps up on you even when you wouldn't expect it to. It's a chemical imbalance, it's all those mean words and deeds from when I was just a child, it's my sister's untimely death, it's the sum of too many things.

Lip Service Occult Cross Hooded Maxi dress from ebay
I've lost my gorillapod, so all my pics nowadays are mirror selfies... -__-
But I'm trying. Because we all have our own demons to fight. Because of the good days. Because of the love I feel for all the important people in my life. Because there is so much beauty and good in the world, no matter how shitty things may seem. Because of the little things that make life worth living.

So I pick myself up. Today I booked three doctor's appointments (sadly, just a doctor instead of The Doctor) to help me figure out why I'm constantly sick and to see if my antidepressants need to be adjusted or if I need to go talk to someone. I've started brushing my teeth again, since stinky cat breath really isn't sexy, and I'm trying to get well enough to start exercising again. Giving up is just not an option.
 But I'm babbling again. Since I spent most of Friday evening/night battling with a migraine, Mr. J and I didn't do anything fun. These pics are from Saturday, when we decided to finally go see Guardians of the Galaxy. I've had that damn song playing in my head ever since... "I can't stop this feeling deep inside of me..."

Got sick of battling with hairdyes and just decided to go back to black. I miss the blue, but my hair always looks best black.
Necklace is Rogue by Tiina Ulkuniemi
Phone cover is from ebay

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Events: Tampere Fetish Factory 2014

Time for another advertisement. Pupuhyppy aka Tiina is selling her lovely accessories, jewellery and other items at TAFF aka Tampere Fetish Factory 2014 ~ Steampunk this Saturday, so if you happen to be in town, go check it out!

Pictures are all taken by Tiina herself and are from her Rogue-page on Facebook
Hairclips made specially for the event
Steampunk fascinators
Gorgeous nipple pasties!
Items at Ateljeekatu include hair clips, harnesses, jewellery, headbands, clothes, collars etc. Is there anything this lady can't do?! ♥
Yours truly will not be participating this time, but there will surely be at least a couple faces that have made guest apperances in my blog before. More info about the event can be found here (also in English).

And remember, Tiina also does custom orders, just like this set of mini skirt + jacket! Photo taken by the lovely beauty blogger MaanoMeikkaa, who made even me look very presentable! ^_^

Custom made jacket + mini skirt by Tiina Ulkuniemi, photo by MaanoMeikkaa

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Movies and sushi

Pupuhyppy and I decided to have a sushiparty with movies and that happened last Saturday of August. We invited a few friends (all of whom couldn't make it) and assigned for everyone to bring some ingredients. Potluck sushi! o/ Everyone got to make their own rolls with whatever they wanted and in the end we made way too much... Mr. J was booked by a whole-weekend lan party hosted by his friends, so he couldn't make it this time.
Sipulimies, Tinde and TomVi making sushi
The movies we watched were The Purge, Afflicted and Machete Kills.

Ravenoaris and Tinde on the background, Pupuhyppy with her orange hair on the front and the black blob aka TomVi washing his hands.
First one told quite a predictable tale from the near future, where once a year ALL crimes are legal for 12 hours. If left me wanting a little bit more than just your basic greed-murder-blah -crap, there's a lot of things that could go down in a scenario like this, with all sorts of hidden agendas.

Some of the ingredients
Afflicted started out really slow and then got weird. There were some cool spook effects, but not fully convinced with this one either. I can't even remember how it ended?

My humongous pile of food. Used fish, canned tuna, paprika, avocado etc on these, ended up eating only a small portion since I was full of Dr. Pepper that I drank a whole freaking bottle cuz I was so thirsty...
And Machete, what can I say about that? Mr. J and I went to see this one last October when it came out and I have to say, it's still as hilarious as it was the first time! It's so much more ridiculous than the first one was and I seriously hope they won't actually make the third one... Although I'd totally go see that one as well! :D

We had a very nice night just goofing off, munching on food and snacks and questioning some of the logic (Logic? In movies? Inconcievable! ;P) from the movies. Need to do this again, only with tacos/tortillas the next time! :)

Not sure if anyone else took any pictures, but my outfit for the evening was very relaxed.
Top: basic spaghetti strap version from H&M
Dress: long flowy sleeveless dress from H&M
Bolero: black basic one from EMP
Leggings: Disney Villains from Black Milk Clothing


Monday, August 25, 2014

Sick at home

Heräsin perjantaiaamuna todella flunssaisena edellispäivän "en kai mä voi taas olla kipeänä!" -pohdiskelun jälkeen. Lähdin kuitenkin urhoollisesti töihin viikonlopun jo siintäessä horisontissa. Piristykseksi päivään valkkasin meikkilaatikosta kuitenkin pitkästä aikaa punaisen huulipunan - joka tosin osoittautui virheeksi jatkuvan niistämisen ja aivastelun vuoksi...

Yllättävän pirtsakka kuvatus väsyneestä ja flunssaisesta naamasta
Töistä suuntasin suoraan rautatieasemalle, josta InterCity kuljetti minut vaihteeksi Seinäjoelle. Vanhemmat olivatkin asemalla jo vastassa. Piipahdettiin vielä pikaisesti ruokakaupassa, mutta sen jälkeen vietinkin viikonlopusta lähes joka hetken sohvalla makoillen ja välillä torkkuen. Äiti lääkitsi flunssaani lämpimällä hunaja-suola-vesiseoksella ja hemmotteli hyvällä ruualla. Perhe ♥ ja kissat ♥

Väsymölli peiton alla
Ihana matami Mörri ♥
Rölli-tyttönen iskän kainalossa ♥
Kinuski-poika aamupalakaverina ♥
Harmillisesti DCF:n kanssa alustavasti sovitut kahvittelu- ja tuliaistreffit jäivät viikonlopulta väliin, ensin oman huonon jaksamiseni takia ja lopulta myös DCF:n iskeneen flunssapöpön vuoksi. Perkeleen pöpöt, jättääkö ne ketään rauhaan! :(

Sunnuntaina olo alkoi olla jo parempi lepäilyn ja troppien jäljiltä. Suuntasin kantamuksineni illalla jälleen armaan VR:mme huomassa, kuselta lemuavan junan syleilyssä takaisin Tampereelle valmistautumaan uuteen työviikkoon.

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