Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Obligatory Christmas post

Kaikkien bloggaajien pakollinen joulupostaus tulee nyt itseltäni päivän-pari myöhässä, sillä vietin lähes koko eilisen torkkuen ja migreeniä vastaan taistellen. :/

Karkasin suurinta ruuhkaa pakoon jo torstaina suunnistaen kohti aakeeta laakeeta Etelä-Pohjanmaata. Viimeinen virallinen työpäivä oli marraskuun lopulla, eikä uutta ole vielä haavissa, joten aikataulukaan ei ollut esteenä liikkumiselle. Perjantaina käytiin äitin kanssa vielä uhkarohkeina kiertämässä Cittaria jouluherkkujen ja viime hetken ostosten parissa, yllättäen oli paljon vähemmän väkeä liikenteessä, kuin olisi voinut olettaa.

Lauantaille äiti taasen oli hankkinut myös minulle lipun Jartsan konserttiin, kun oli itse päättänyt mennä kerrankin katselemaan ja kuuntelemaan herran laulantaa paikan päälle. Myös DCF valui paikalle oman sukunsa kanssa, ja päädyttiin kihertämään vierekkäin mm. Jartsan vähän vähemmän heteroille paidannapeille. Pakko sanoa, että arvostan suuresti ketä tahansa, joka pystyy nauramaan itselleen, ja näinhän Jartsakin sitten veti varsin viihdyttävän joulumedleynsä sekaan myös suurinta hittiään Satulinnaa. Itse en liiemmin joululauluista perusta, varsinkaan näistä Jesseä ylistävistä, ja se, että konsertti järjestettiin Lakeuden Ristissä pisti myöskin vähän ärsyttämään. Onneksi kirkko on kuitenkin varsin pelkistetty kaikelta uskonnolliselta krumeluurilta, alttarillakin on niiden irvokkaiden suurten Jeesus-marttyyrien sijaan vain suuri puinen risti. Äänentoistohan tuolla sitten oli varsin hienoa, ollaan äitin kanssa männä vuonna ihmetelty myös Tarja Turusen esiintymistä samassa paikkaa.

Enon kuusi serkun lasten koristelemana
Sunnuntai meni enemmän tai vähemmän koomaisissa merkeissä, kun suuntasimme enon luokse sukuloimaan. Olen ollut koko joulunajan todella väsyksissä, joten tulikin sitten nukuttua koko matka mennen tullen. Aattona vietimme aikaa oman perheen kesken ruuan, elokuvien, ja kissojen parissa, illalla availlen lahjoja.

Lahjoista osa edusti sitten varsin tarpeellista...

I needed a reflector I can easily attach to anything - this one's pink!
toiset vähemmän tarpeellista, ellei peräti hieman "onko tämä nyt joku vihje vai?" -osastoa...

Osa oli syötävää...

Ugh, too much chocolate
Mugsets for me&boyfriend
ja osa vaatetusta.
Ordinary tights and soft warm winter leggings, I really needed a pair!
DCF-muruseni oli salakavalasti hankkinut Goottikirpulta tuon Gaimanin & Pratchettin yhteisteoksen miun nenän edestä, ja sieltähän se sitten paketista paljastui niittipannan kera. :) Mörri-kissa oli varsin avulias näitä kuvaillessani...

Äiti oli bongannut Anttilasta Yövissyn uuden lätyn alehintaan, ja paketoi sen sitten miulle. Olin juuri alkukuusta käynyt katsomassa Imaginaerumin leffateatterissa itsekseni, kun käteen jäi Paranomal Activity 4:sta pelkkä alkupuolikas itse leffaa ja keskeytyslippu hajoneen vahvistimen vuoksi. Pidin Imaginaerumin visuaalisesta maailmasta, ja kyllähän se musiikkikin sai kylmät väreet ryömimään pitkin selkäpiitä, vaikka Oncen jälkeen ei olekaan Nightwishia oikeastaan tullut kuunneltua. Nyt voikin ehkä kiriä taasen vähän ennen uutta laulajaa?

Huomenillalla suuntaankin fyysisen olemukseni jälleen Tampereelle, jotta voin viettää kuluvan vuoden viimeiset sekä alkavan vuoden ensimmäiset päivät poikaystäväni kanssa.

Oikein antoisaa loppuvuotta kaikille! ♥


This "obligatory topic for all bloggers" is a little late from me, since I spent most of yesterday napping and battling a migraine. Definitely not fun!

I started towards Osthrobothnia on Thursday evening to spend the holidays with my family. We tempted last minute rush on Friday by going to a supermarket, and to my surprise it was less crowded than I had expected. On Saturday my mom took me to a Christmas concert she wanted to go to, and my friend DCF was also there with her family. We were snickering about the artists' not-so-straight shirt buttons, until I reminded her that he isn't really all that straight to begin with...;) Sunday was spent with relatives, and Monday at home amongst my family and our cats, enjoying good food, nice movies, presents, and each other's company.

I got some really nice presents as well as a bit more "umm excuse me?" -sorts, and mom had found the new Nightwish-album after hearing I went to see Imaginaerum earlier this month. I haven't really listened to them ever since the album Once, so I guess it's time to catch up again before the new singer...:P
I've had a really relaxing time here, and am headed back tomorrow evening, so I can spent the last days of 2012 with my boyfriend, as well as welcoming the new year together.
All the best to all of you! :)

Saturday, December 8, 2012

December, time for gifts and greed

Dear Satan *uhm* Santa...

I can't promise I've been a good girl this year,
in fact I think I've pretty much been the exact opposite...

But please please bring me these lovely items this year?

Diesel Loverdose edp, I'm in love with this scent, but still don't own it *sadface*

Pretty spikey headband by Tiia Vanhatapio, Seppälä jewelry&hair accessories selection
I actually already got this, because I sort of pressured my boyfriend to get it for me.... >:)

With this OBH Nordica Björn Axén Tools Slide Curler even an idiot like me would be able to curle my own hair... It looks like the price of this one varies A LOT depending on where you look - from 49e to 90e! So please Satan ---Santa, be sensible.

There's also a couple movies I'd like to stashin my bookshelf - both of which I went to see and enjoyed immensily this year:

Iron Sky

Batman ~ The Dark Knight Rises,
of which I'm hoping to get the full trilogy, since I don't own any of the movies yet.
(All pictures from google)



Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Radio silence - but not silent radio!

Last week ended up being devastating to my entertainment electronics. First I accidentally dropped my  on the floor resulting in several rows of dead pixels. Later on the same day I decided I'd listen to my iPod ("classic" 60G) on the way home only to discover a huge black dead spot on the screen. It seems the doodoopod has struck against something pointy, the thick glass surface is still perfectly intact but stuff underneath it is broken. I can barely see anything on the screen since the gash is on the left side. It lights jo, it works, and I can still listen to music, but it's impossible to actually see what I'm selecting.

As if all this wasn't enough, my precious laptop had a horrible battle with my teamug, and I'm sad to say the mug won. The result was some sort of shortcut that rendered the keyboard completely unsable and the "keys" continuously being used even though nobody was touching anything. I had big cry about it, since it was alle my own fault and really stupid, but luckily my boyfriend was there to make me feel better by saying that it can be fixed and that he knew a place where to take My Precious. Hopefully I'll heti it back on Friday or early next week. It's going to cost me a lot of money, so I desperately need to sell stuff to make up for the expense by selling stuff I don't need!

It really sucks being without my laptop, since I'm a total FB-addict and addicted to the Sims Social as well, haha. No but seriously, all my photos and music and MY WHOLE LIFE is on that thing! I already had some pictures edited and ready to be posted and things to write about, but all that has to wait. I tried to revive my ole laptop but after spending yesterday fighting with it I sorta gave up. It crashes when I try to use Digsby to IM people; it crashes when I have more than one tab open in Firefox; it completely refuses to install Skype so I could talk to my boyfriend...-__-# Not cool.

Well, at least my TV works (knock on wood) and I brought my radio home from work so I can listen to my favourite radio djs host their 55-hour bit for the Red Nose Day -charity radio marathon. YleX Aamu, yay!

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

The past and the future

Tähän ei kukaan suoranaisesti minua haastanut, mutta miusta tämä oli varsin kiinnostava "kiertopostaus", joten muistelenpas minäkin ajassa taaksepäin. Tosin koska olen jo ihan ikäloppu, niin lisäilen parit kohdat...

Sunday, October 21, 2012


I received this award from Chastel, so thank you, pretty girl! If you don't already follow her, go check out her blog, it's full of gloomy pictures and cool handicrafts. :)

1) Post 11 facts about yourself.
2) Answer the questions the tagger has set for You.
3) Create 11 questions for the people You've tagged to answer.
4) Tag 11 people.

1. 11 Facts about me 
I ended up using the andthatswhoiam site as well, since it was easier. :)

2. Tagger's questions

1. If you made a movie who would you want to act in it?
Hmm, tough one. I have no idea what my movie would be about, but I'd cast all or most of my favourites in it: Johnny Depp, Bruce Campbell, Bill Nighy, Nathan Fillion, Ryan Reynolds, Tony Leung Chiu Wai, Ashton Kutcher, Keira Knightley, Nicole Kidman, Tim Curry... I'd cast a hell of a lot of actors and a few actresses! :D

2. Do you have a favorite TV-show?

Several, actually. I love Castle, C.S.I. (Las Vegas, the others are crap), Supernatural, Dexter, Desperate Housewives, Bones, Spartacus ~ Blood and Sand, Game of Thrones, Scrubs, How I Met Your Mother, Happy Endings, Dead Like Me, Gilmore Girls, The Fast Show, True Blood, Fringe... Yeah, I'm addicted to tv! :D

3. Have you ever made some craft or art you're really proud of?Hmm, I can't really think of anything right now...two pairs of black woollen socks? I dunno.

4. What's your dream home like?My dream home is tastefully decorated with shades black, purple and silver in both furniture, linen, filigree ornaments and big enough to hold all my clothes and other crap! I'd have a separate room for sewing and crafts, a roomy kitchen, beautiful bedroom, a big luxurious bathroom with a gigantic tub...and someone else cleans it for me!

5. What's the last book you've read?I'm still actually reading the first book of Song of Ice and Fire, A Game of Thrones. One I recently finished is Norwegian Wood by Haruki Murakami, I got that one from my mom.
6. Do you have a favorite cosmetic or make-up product, and if so why is it so good?
I have yet to find my ultimate favourites in foundation (hoping my new BB cream would be good), mascara etc., but I like both the waterproof and regular eyeliner from Wet'n'Wild, as I do with We Care Icon blue liquid eyeliner. I also have a couple of cheapo eyeshadow palettes that have really gorgeous and pigmented shades that I really like. My skin is very oily but can still get pretty dry around my nose, so finding the perfect foundation is virtually impossible!

7. If you could eat only one food over and over for the next month what would it be?One food for a whopping month... I don't think I could eat just any one thing for a whole month - except for ice cream! :D Hmm, maybe pizza, cause then I could cheat and change the toppings every week?

8. If you were a superhero what would be your weakness?
Awesome, everyone always focuses on their superhero strength! Lets see...

9. What's the best thing about autumn?
All the colours when leaves start changing! And the fact that the weather starts to get a little cooler.

10. What was the nicest event you went this summer?Lumous Festival, I had a great time! :)

11. If you had to recommend a book for your readers what would it be?
Well, I've been told the books I read are mostly trashy fantasy novels... So I won't go there, instead you HAVE TO check out Neverwhere by Neil Gaiman. It's been made into a miniseries too!

3. 11 questions from me 
I'm going to skip this, sry.
4. I tag: 
See above.

10 pictures challenge

Paiskattiin muutamalla haasteella tässä jokunen aika sitten, joten voisinpa kuluttaa kotvasen aikaani niiden parissa. :)

Tindeltä ja Black Birdiltä sain tämän 10 kuvan haasteen, jonka "tarkoituksena on kertoa kymmenellä kuvalla, mistä aineksista blogisi on tehty. On haastavaa rajoittaa koko blogin aihepiiri kymmeneen kuvaan! Haasta viisi bloggaajaa samaan, ja muista kertoa keneltä itse sait kuvahaasteen! Mistä sinun blogisi on tehty? Sokerista, kukkasista, inkivääristä, kanelista?"

Hmm, voisinpa väittää, että blogini koostuu (varsin satunnaisessa järjestyksessä):

1. Meikki- ja kosmetiikkaostoksista / Makeup & cosmetics

Säästää piti, vaan tällaiset on tässä viikon sisään tullut osteltua...
2. Vaatehamstrailusta / Clothes

One of my Lumous outfits this year, loooove the corset ♥

3. Ystävistä / Friends

Iinamon ♥

DCF:n viimeksi piipahtaessa Tampereella käytiin katsomassa
Tampere Rollin' Hos vs. Tukholma Roller Derby -matsi
Pirkkalan liikuntatalolla.

4. Rakkaudenjanosta / My yearning for love

Pic from Google
5. Masennuksesta / Depression

Tällaisen pikkukaverin löysin yksi kesäaamu töihin lähtiessä. :(
6. Eläimistä ja niiden kapuusta / Animals

Ruuvi & Mutteri, already parted from this world
Raitapeppu, my little ninja mouse, RIP

7. Kasveista ja kukkasista / Plants and flowers

One of my tomato plants has gotten huge! The other one, however, seems to be dying. :( The tomatoes they produces are TINY!
8. Ruoasta ja syömisestä / Food and eating

I bought a delicious slice of Pink Ribbon -cake at work :P
9. Satunnaisista käsityöaskareista / Random handicrafts

10. Elämästäni yleensä / Life in general

Okei, huijasin, ja tungin paljon enemmän kuvia kuin oli sallittua. So sue me.


Tinde and Black bird both challenged me to do this 10 picture challenge, where you have to describe the content of your blog with only 10 pictures. What's your blog made of? Sugar and spice and everything nice? And yeah, I cheated and used way more pictures than allowed. So sue me. :P
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