So I went out on Saturday night, to club Mixei for Battle Royale. Some of my friends were there as well, so we caught up on the latest news, danced our butts off, and just had a good time. I ended up leaving around 2am though, because I had been battling with a headache for most of the day, and it seemed to win in the end.
Bussia odotellessa ehdin napata Mr. Uuniperunalta kyseisen herkun matkaevääksi tämän kovasti ihastellessa miun silmiä. "Yes, they're real! And I'd normally wear my contacts on a night out, but this was an exception..." Onnistuin siis lätkimään meikkiä naamaani melko onnistuneesti, ripsarin tosin korvasin irtoripsillä, mutta nyt tuntuu että eyelinerinkin olisi voinut jättää suurimmilta osilta pois...otti hieman takapakkia tuo silmä taas. Pitää varmaankin käydä apteekissa kyselemässä jotain kikkakakkosta "ensiavuksi"...
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Only black&silver in the whole look, makeup consisted of silver/gunmetal eyeshadow and black lips with silver glitter. |
While waiting for the bus I had just enough time to get a baked potato, and the vendor just couldn't get over my eyes, he kept asking if it was my real eyecolour. I did wear makeup, even though my left eye(lid) is still sore. I did leave out mascara completely and replaced it with fake lashes, maybe I should've skipped the eyeliner as well. I should probably go ask a pharmacist whether they'd have something to recommend without a prescription. Or just give up and get a doctor's appointment already!
Ylleni länttäsin lopulta melko helposti kasaankyhätyn asun, joka koostui pääasiallisesti Lipparin rytkyistä. Hopeaan vivahtava verkkotoppi tuli tilattua viime joulun aikoihin monen muun aletuotteen kanssa, ja pääsi nyt vasta ensimmäistä kertaa sovitusastetta pidemmäksi aikaa päälle. Cybertronic Ragdollin waist cincher ja Institutionalized -minihamonen taasen ovat olleet eniten käytettyjen vaatteiden joukossa jo hyvän tovin. Sukkahousut ja musta perustoppi Hömpästä, kiksukarvat ebaysta.
I ended up wearing mostly Lip Service clothing, big surprise there. I bought the silver-black mesh top a year ago, but until now I have only tried it on and not actually worn it. The Cybertronic Ragdoll waist cincher and the black O-ring detailed miniskirt from the Institutionalized -line have been my favourite 'go to' pieces for quite some time now. Black top and tights with tiny silver spots (these don't really show up in the pictures) are from H&M, furry boot covers from ebay a couple years ago.
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Roar! (ja harvinaisen typerä ilme) |
Such a shame half of these photos turned out blurry, that's what you get for trying to take pictures alone and slightly intoxicated. :P
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Täti-ihminen |
I will never understand why they don't use better zippers on these skirts; in all the skirts I own there's a tendency for the zipper to start falling down on its own. It's really annoying, since it only falls max 5cm, so it looks like you just forgot to pull it all the way up. I guess I need to finally get around to attaching tiny hooks above the zippers to help them stay up...
Webcamhuorrrra Misantrella kuittaa!
Uh, hot! Aivan ihana! \o/
ReplyDeletenätti lookki! :) sopii siulle kyllä vallan mainiosti.
ReplyDeleteTuohon vetoketjun valumiseen btw auttaa pieni hakaneula jonka laittaa sisäpuolelle. :)
ReplyDeleteJoo, mäkin oon käyttänyt tota Grotescan mainitsemaa hakaneulavinkkiä valuviin vetoketjuihin. Tosin pvc:hen se ei tietenkään toimi, mikä on vähän harmillista. :/
ReplyDeleteOotpa hyvännäköisenä ollut bilettämässä! Noi lasitkin pukee sua. :)
Kiitos, neitoset, vinkeistä ja kauniista sanoista. :)
ReplyDeletemistä oot löytäny noi loxit?
ReplyDeletebellatrix: Tilasin pötkylää ulkomailta, katkoin ja väkertelin itse ponnarin ympärille. :)