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Kirpparisaalis - kahdet kengät ja "tavoiteshortsit" |
Toiset kengät ovat kivat kiilto"nahkaiset", hieman fiftarihenkiset korkkarit, jotka ovat koroltaan hieman inhimillisemmät omiin jalkoihin. Nämä näyttivät kaiken lisäksi olevan vielä ihan uudet, alkuperäinen hintalappu mollotteli toisen kengän pohjassa kirppishinnan alta. Ei paha vitosella!
Kirppikseltä suunnattiin ankkapuistoon istuskelemaan, ankka tosin oli puistosta kokonaan kadonnut. :( Pupuhyppy oli napannut Lidlistä mukaansa parit suklaamuffinit, joita sitten mutusteltiin ja juteltiin kaikenlaista. Innostipa hän miuta lähtemään tutustumiskäynnille salilleen Poltteeseen maanantaina, joten kidutus odottaa!
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Kvaak kvaak, tältä kumiankka näytti kaksi vuotta sitten. |
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New calendar, yay! :) |
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Indoor ligting vs. outdoor lighting |
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A) too blue B) a bit more like it C) look at the glitter! |
So I met up with Pupuhyppy after work yesterday (aka Thursday) and we went to a flea market/second hand shop to have a looksee. I thought I couldn't find anything, but she did - two pairs of shoes and shorts, for me! I ended up buying all three, since they cost only 11 €. Not bad! :)
pair has high heels - probably too high for my poor feet, but I promise
I'll practice more once I start to get rid of some of this excess
weight I'm carrying around... I really like the buckles, they make these
shoes so much cooler.
pair is sort of a fifties' styled high heel, luckily for me not as high
as the first pair. I thought these were cute and they look brand new,
they even have the original price tag underneath the second-hand tag!
shorts were only 2 €, and even though I could squeeze myself into them,
they are a REALLY tight fit, so they're more of a target pair at the
moment. Pupuhyppy convinced me to join her at the gym on Monday, since I
can get a three-day free trial even though I'm already signed up at a
different gym. Mine's super cheap but hers provides actual classes,
where people don't just show you different moves but make sure you do
them correctly as well.
the flea market/second hand shop we headed out to sit at a "duck park"
and had chocolate cupcakes. The big black rubber duck had been removed
from the park though, there was just an empty spot right where it used to sit (apparently since 2010).
stayed there for quite a while, until Pupuhyppy realized she needed to
head home to get ready if she was to head out to the gym later, and I
continued on to go find a wedding present and a card. I found what I was
looking for, but the card gave me lots of grief. I don't like the usual
über-cheesy wedding cards, where everything is all sunshine and roses,
champagne and happiness. Yeah, it _can_ be like that, but that sure as
hell isn't how life will treat you every day! I finally resorted to a
couple of postcards to choose from, and started thinking about the text
I'd write...
looking for the cards I stumbled upon a new calendar. I hadn't had time
yet to go look for one, and past experience has taught me that when a
calendar ends in July, you will most likely be able to get a new one
mid-August. This applies to the only type of calendar I accept, which
has looked pretty much the same for the past five years. I'm very picky
about my calendars, which I guess is kinda dumb, since I hardly end up
using half of the pages... But no, mine needs to have a full page per
day; has to have all holidays, flag days and name days marked down
clearly; has to survive being carried in my bag most of the time; and
has to have some extra pages for notes. Plus side in this version is the
covers, that can be used to hide a little safety money as well store
business cards and other important papers. The previous one was sort of a
teal/turquoise version, and this year the options were lilac and
yellow. They seem to be continuing with the butterfly theme which is
fine by me! :)
As I was leaving I spotted a sale on the We Care Icon -makeup products. When I saw the magenta-purple lip glosses I knew I had to get them! They're very pretty, even though purple seems to be an impossible colour for my camera to get even remotely close to the truth. I own a couple more neutral glosses of the same brand and use them every now and then. They're very traditional glosses IMO, since they are quite sticky, very glossy and give a nice hue of colour on your lips. :)
Anywho, I'm at my parents' at the moment, and I really should be going to bed, seeing as it's well past midnight now...thanks to the slow internet I have via mobile connection. (Thanks Obama!)
I'll continue with more stuff next week! ^__^
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