Valitsemaani t-paitaa ei sitten lopulta ollutkaan saatavilla oikeassa koossa, mutta sain asiasta ystävällistä sähköpostia kysyen haluanko vaihtaa toiseen samankaltaiseen ja -hintaiseen paitaan. Tämä passasi miulle vallan mainiosti, ja tilaus pääsi matkaan. Postikulut olivat todella edulliset, ja paketti saapui melko nopeasti. Legginsit jäivät valitettavasti pitkälle varrelleni juuri inhottavan lyhykäiseksi, joten niille täytyy varmaankin etsiä uusi koti. Poikaystävän mielestä t-paita oli "ihan kiva", kun taas itse rakastuin ostelemiini koruihin ihan täysin.
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Jewelry in my order. |
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Alchemy Gothic ankh necklace and Red Queen's Black Legion ring in black |
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Red Queen's Black Legion |
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Didn't know these two were "anime necklaces" before opening the package. :P |
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Black ball chain, black rubber chain, and silver ankh pendant |
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Here's me three weeks back, I bought the cardigan at a sale rack for 12e, and have been wearing it almost every day! Perfect for wearing something lighter underneath whilst staying warm! |
A while ago I decided to order stuff from the Lithuanian Fantasmagoria-shop, since I'd had my eye on these Punk Rave Macbeth-leggings they happened to carry. I decided to give them a try, and added some (lots of) jewellery and a t-shirt for Boyfriend in my order. The t-shirt I originally chose was unfortunately out of stock in the size I needed, so I received a friendly email asking if I'd like to trade it in for another one. I did, and my parcel was shipped out quickly. The shipping costs were extremely reasonable, and I was really happy with my order.
Unfortunately the leggings were not long enough for my (sometimes) ridiculously long legs, so I might have to find them another home. Boyfriend thought the t-shirt to be "ok", whilst I completely fell in love with the jewellery. I was queuing to buy the Alchemy Gothic ankh-necklace via Facebook Gothic Second Hand -group, but unfortunately lucked out that time, and the necklace has been haunting me ever since. Now that I finally came across it I had to snatch it! And I'm really glad I did, I'm absolutely in love with it! ♥

Two of the necklaces turned out to be from anime, which I had no idea about. I don't really know the symbolism behind the "industrial pentagram", I just thought it was a really interesting concept, and seeing as I don't own a pentagram necklace... I didn't have a biohazard one either, they're surprisingly hard to find. Or maybe I just don't know where to look?
The last necklace is just a simple black and white cameo with thin satin lace, very basic but very pretty. I also got a basic black ball chain and a rubber chain and an ankh pendant without a chain. I'm not a hundred percent sure whether I like the ankh or not, since the loop is so thin compared to the rest of the cross. I do have another ankh necklace coming in the mail, so I can just keep the ones I like and sell the rest. :)
I'm quite sure I'll order stuff from them again, if something really nice gets my attention...(and you know it always does!) ;)
Ihania korujaaaa!!! Miks ihmeessä anime taustat? :D
ReplyDeleteSitä minäkin mietin! :D
DeleteTäytyypä kurkustaa sivu... Vaikuttaa hyvältä. Ihanaa asiakaspalvelua myös tuon t-paidan kohdalla, suurin osa kaupoista olisi varmaan vain jättänyt sen toimittamatta.
ReplyDeleteJos haluat legginsseistä eroon, täällä ainakin on yksi kiinnostunut. ;)
Legginsit on Punk Raven XXL-kokoa, eli mahtaa vastata meidän L/XL-kokoa? Lisäilen varmaankin jossain vaiheessa Facebookin Goottikirppikselle ne myyntiin. :)
DeleteNo höh. :( Kun en facebookissa ole, ei sieltä voi hankkia.
DeleteVaikkakin kokoni on muutenkin S tai XS. ^^'
Ooij, FantasmAgorialla on ihania juttuja, joitain tuotteita heiltä oli aikoinaan siellä Vanderbylia- nettikaupassakin myynnissä. :) Pitääkin selata sivut tarkemmin, kiitos nettikaupan olemassa olon muistutuksesta, en yhtään muistanut ko. liikettä! ;)
ReplyDeleteMäkin uskaltauduin vasta Goottikirppikseltä luetun keskustelun perusteella tilailemaan, ja hyvinhän tuossa kaikki tosiaan meni. :) En itse kerinnyt Vanderbylialta mitään tilailemaan, vaikka sivuja kävinkin välillä tutkailemassa.