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Picture taken in January, I think I was heading out for sushi that day |
Kun viimein selvisin kotiin asti, purskahdin jo eteisessä hysteeriseen itkuun; itkin kipeää mustelmaa oikeassa pakarassa, pahaa mieltä ja kokonaisvaltaisen surkeaa oloani. Itku helpotti oloa, ja onnistuin muutenkin piristymään "kauhuleffaa" katsomalla - The ABCs of Death, jota en lopulta katsonut loppuun asti, mutta josta löytyi parit hulvattomat pätkät youtubesta. Leffa koostui siis nimensä mukaisesti erilaisista tavoista kuolla, ja siihen oli osallistunut ohjaajia ympäri maailmaa. Pätkä sisälsi mm. natsifurryjä, vinkuvan piirroskakan, erittäin häiriintyneen runkkauskisan, ja japanilaisille tyypilliseen tapaan todella outoja juttuja. Kauhuksi en tätä kyllä väittäisi, sen verran outoa matskua tuli vastaan! O__o
Tiistai oli onneksi jo paljon parempi päivä, vaikka aloinkin vähän niiskuttaa ja aivastella. Keskiviikkona heräsin inhottavaan kurkkukipuun, pomokin huomasi jatkuvan yskimiseni ja niiskuttamisen, ja kehoitti jäämään loppuviikoksi kotiin, mikäli olo vielä pahenee. Niinhän siinä sitten kävi, että keskiviikkoiltana flunssan lisäksi tuli vielä pahoinvointi, joten jäinkin sitten suosiolla torstaiaamuna lämpimän peiton alle nukkumaan. Myös perjantai meni samoissa tunnelmissa, ja viikonloppu on jatkunut samaa rataa. Lämmintä teetä hunajalla höystettynä, mikrokeittoja, punaista jaffaa, oma peitto, ja paljon nessuja, niistä on viikonloppuni tehty. Atsiuh!
I began my internship on Monday two weeks ago.So far it has been a very slow start, when I'm at work I feel like time stands completely still, whereas when I get home it seems like the whole evening passes in the blink of an eye. My days are longer than they were last year, 8 hours instead of 6, which kinda sucks because I don't get paid any more than I did before. This internship is for two months, I'm learning secretarial tasks in an actual work environment. (You need A LOT to actually land a paying secretarial job here atm, you need to have good computer skills, experience, patience, organizing skills, and preferably lots of previous experience, so it's not like I'd land a job like this on my education alone) I really want to learn billing systems and using different programmes related to billing etc., but am not too keen on customer service. These days there pretty much isn't a job where you don't need to interact with customers, so meh! I mainly deal with customers through the phone, which is something I was really stressed about when I started. It has eased a bit, but every time the phone rings, I still get nervous...
Last Monday turned out to be a completely shitty day, with me almost having a panic attack on the morning bus on my way to work. My day did NOT get any better when I fell on the frozen steps just outside work and bumped my ass pretty badly. I almost burst into tears then and there, but managed to keep it together throughout the day. Not a great start for a week! I also got nagged about stuff I had taken care of, so I was pretty much ready to give up, and spent every free moment looking for available jobs in my region.
When I finally got home that day, I had barely gotten through the door before bursting hysterically into tears. All of the pressure, anxiety, physical hurt and just general misery of the day just got to me. I felt a lot better after crying, and decided to watch a movie to cheer up more. I randomly picked a "horror" movie called the ABCs of Death, and almost completely forgot about the day while watching weird little stories of death. I didn't end up watching the whole thing, but the movie consisted of Nazi furries, an uncomfortably weird wankathon, a squeeky cartoon poop, and odd Japanese stuff. I seriously wouldn't call it horror, it was certainly the biggest WTF-experience I've had in a while! O__o
Luckily Tuesday was a much better day, even though I started to sniffle and sneeze. I woke up with a sore throat on Wednesday morning, and even my boss noticed my constant coughing and sniffling, and told me I could stay home the rest of the week if I started to feel worse. And as fate would have it, on Wednesday evening I started to feel nauseous in addition to the flu, so I thought it best to sleep in on Thursday morning. Friday was the same, and my weekend consists pretty much of warm tea with honey, microwave soups, red orange soda, comfy blanket, and lots of tissues! Achoo!
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